Stefan Freeman's blog in Japan...for family and friends.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Goodbye post

A goodbye post is not complete without a list. So 'ere we go ....Goodbye:

1. pushy Japanese grandmas...I'm your game no longer.
2. point wallet has been purged.
3. crazy old men on bikes ... would you bloody well look where you're going.
4. service with a smile...even if your're just pretending to care.
5. sweet peach behinds.
6. peaceful people.
7. noise.
8. work, my wife's work, two big shopping malls, four train stations, my daughter's day care are all within 10 minutes walk from our place.
We'll be back in Australia Jan. 24. Helloooooo beach and surfing.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

mochi and the mafia

Mochi: an altogether too doughy, grossly gluggy mass of rice eaten as new year's treat in Japan.

Apparently six people the wrong side of sixty choked to death on mochi this new year's period in Japan. It makes headlines every year.

The media make it known with great monotony that dastard Chinese criminals are behind most crimes...wonder how they'll put the spin on this one.