Went to a fireworks display on the banks of the river between Tokyo and Kawasaki last weekend. Fireworks were a bit blah ....the people experience has always been far more interesting for me at these displays.

They have about 20 or so diplays thoughout the Tokyo area over summer. All on the banks of rivers and beaches they are like a religious moment on the Ganges with absolute bloody hordes of fireworks nuts descending on them all.

A mate from work was going to go down with us but his highly tuned pair of female feelers picked up on the fact that she who must be obeyed wanted a romantic evening evening on the banks of this concreted river, alone as couple in crowd of a million spectators. Romance.
The reason we really went down there was to show Lani the fireworks. I don't know how she managed it but 10 minutes into it she bloody well went and fell asleep. Quite a feat as at times it is a bit scarey...they explode them so low here that at times the cinders actually touch the river so you are quite close to it all.
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